House cleaning tasks

Task guide, trial cleans, cleaning products & cleaning equipment

Home cleaning products & equipment

To keep our hourly rates low, we ask you to provide the following cleaning products and equipment. (none to contain bleach):

  • Anti-bacterial spray 
  • Bathroom spray
  • Toilet cleaner
  • Disposable wipes (for use on the toilet).
  • Any specialist sprays for your surfaces such as granite and steel
  • Furniture polish
  • Glass spray (for mirrors & glass)
  • Floor cleaner
  • 1 set of gloves for kitchen use
  • 1 set of gloves for bathroom use
  • 1 duster with a handle for cobwebs
  • Dusters and cloths
  • Fully operational vacuum cleaner
  • Mop and bucket
Cleaning supplies including duster, mop head and rubber gloves in bucket

Trial cleaning session

Cleaning products, detergents and chemicals in blue plastic bucket on kitchen worktop.

Your first session is called the trial clean. The cleaner will have a brief discussion with you on arrival about your home cleaning requirements and will clean on this visit for an agreed number of hours.

Please refer to our home cleaning task list below (we will also email you a copy) and discuss your cleaning priorities with the cleaner. The cleaner will let you know how much time she /he requires to do the work you’ve discussed. Our cleaners can only do tasks that are on our task list.

PLEASE NOTE: Our housekeepers cannot do oven cleaning, move furniture or stand on chairs or step ladders.

PLEASE NOTE: The trial clean is NOT a free session. You pay the cleaner at £14 per hour at the end in cash and we will email you an invoice for the agency fee for the trial clean.

Kitchen cleaning

Remove cobwebs

Cupboard fronts

Refrigerator and freezer fronts

Cooker and hob

Extractor hood

Outside of oven

Microwave inside and out

Outside of appliances

All tops and surfaces

Sink, taps and splash back areas

Lampshades & light fittings

Skirting boards

Kitchen appliances

Window sills

Vacuum floor

Mop floor

Load / unload dishwasher

Washing up

Spotlessly clean and organised kitchen, shiney white worktops, apples in fruit bowl

Bathroom cleaning

Squeaky clean white bathroom with decorative plants and black and white tiled floor.

Remove cobwebs

Toilet seat, bowl, tank and base

Bath, taps and tiles / splash back areas

Shower cabin tiles & screen

Shower head

Mirrors, glasses and chrome

All tops

Towel rack


Sink and taps & splash back

Empty waste bin

 light fittings

skirting boards




Bedroom cleaning

Remove cobwebs

Wardrobes and chest of drawers

Mirrors and glass surfaces

All tops and surfaces

Picture frames and lampshades

Window sills and ledges

Make bed

Change bed linen


Empty bins

Bedroom with double bed white walls, white bed linen, wooden bedside table with plant, wooden floor and en suite.

Hall, stairs and landing

Clean, bright, light and airy hallway with wooden floors bicycle propped up against wall door to bedroom open.

Remove cobwebs

Toilet seat, bowl, tank and base

Bath, taps and tiles / splash back

Shower cabin tiles & screen

Shower head

Mirrors, glasses and chrome

All tops

Towel rack


Sink and taps & splash back

Vacuum & mop

Empty waste bin

 light fittings

skirting boards

Dining area

Remove cobwebs

Wardrobes and chest of drawers

Mirrors and glass surfaces

All tops and surfaces

Picture frames and lampshades

Window sills and ledges

Make bed

Change bed linen


Empty bins

Sparkling clean dining room at home with wooden chairs and table, fruit bowl and crisp white walls